The Future of Working Spaces

The covid19 pandemic has permanently changed our idea of what a workplace can be. Initially, some of the most common features of the workspace were coming into an office and working from 9 to 5 in a cubicle. The post-pandemic world has shifted what we call a regular workday.

So, what is the new norm?

Workspaces now are centered around the idea of maximum integration. The modern workday promotes wellness, flexibility and a more sustainable approach to work.

The Modern Workforce– A reliance on flexibility and technology?

When the pandemic started, people shifted to online tools such as Zoom, G-Meet, Whatsapp Business, Trello and Slack to carry out their day-to-day office activities. The entire office environment had turned into an online space. Although the online work model was very convenient, it was highly integrated with other parts of life. 

The pandemic introduced a more modern approach to work, introducing the hybrid work culture. The hybrid work model demands flexibility and is often too reliant on technology. According to a study by Owls Lab, 52% of employees around the world work weekly from home, and 68% do so at least once per month. Thus, indicating a preference for the hybrid work model. 

If organizations are looking for pliable individuals to juggle different chunks of tasks and responsibilities in a short period, then so are workers. The hybrid model helps workers have control over where and how they want to work. Individuals want to work for organizations that allow them to set their working hours and control when they choose to work remotely or on-site. 

Akademos is aware of the changing modern trends. It follows a hybrid-work environment where our workers are free to work where they want. Our consultants, associates and interns are free from the traditional working environment. 

Along with flexibility, there is an increased alliance on technology. Incorporating specialized tools such as PowerBi and Tableau has made data analytics much more manageable. These tools help in maintaining authenticity and help save lots of time. 

A rise in Home Offices

The reliance on flexibility, technology and a hybrid model has led to an increase in Home Offices. To work from home, individuals need quiet space that allows them to focus more. A study by Stanford University of 16,000 workers found that working from home increased productivity by 13% due to a quieter and more convenient working environment.

Presence of co-working spaces

The co-working industry has plummeted in the modern world. Since many employees work remotely, many offices are moving towards co-working spaces to save on fixed costs. Co-working spaces allow connecting individuals with other professions. It is the platform where many ideas are exchanged with one another.

A focus on wellness

Workspaces of the future focus on mental, physical and emotional wellness for better productivity and overall employee satisfaction. Close attention is paid to creating an environment where everyone feels included. People think psychologically fulfilled workplaces tend to be healthier, happier and more productive.

So, can inclusivity be obtained in remote or hybrid working models? To ensure a positive working environment, which is diverse, dispersed and dynamic while staying digital, Akademos encourages team collaboration on various projects, tasks and assignments. Through this, our team, especially the ones working remotely, can experience our office environment.

Closing Thoughts

The future of the workspace promises a setting where individual autonomy is greater. The pandemic has changed the way work is done and delivered. To cope with the changing patterns and trends, companies should start incorporating modern tools into their workspaces.


Baker, S.R., Bloom, N., Davis, S.J., Terry, S.J. (2020). COVID-Induced Economic Uncertainty, National Bureau of Economic Research.

Nicholas Bloom, 2020. How working from home works out. Stanford University.

Authors Bio:

Abeeha is an International Relations student in Turkey. She is a voracious reader and a keen observer of geopolitical and economic developments in South Asian and the Balkan regions. Currently, she's a part-time Consultant at Akademos.

She can be reached at:


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